- 400gram sanuki udon (ready to cook)
- 600ml water
- 1tbsp granulated dashi
- 2tbsp soy sauce
- 1tbsp sugar
- 1 small size carrot, cut into bite-size
- 1 small size potato, cut into bite-size
- 1 small size eggplant, cut into bite-size
- 50gram forerib/rolled backrib, thinly slices.
- 40gram Japanese curry block
- ½tbsp cornstarch dilute into 1tbsp water
Cook step by step :
Pour water into pot, add dashi, soy sauce, boil it.
Add carrot, potato, eggplant and cook for 3 minutes, take any scum out.
Add beef and curry block, stir thoroughly
Add maizena, stir well, turn of the heat.
Boil udon, drain it, put in a bowl and pour the curry soup, garnish with negi/green onion.
For 2 : People
Indonesian Version :
- 400gram sanuki udon siap masak
- 600ml air
- 1sdm dashi bubuk
- 2sdm soy sauce
- 1sdm gula pasir
- 1 buah wortel ukuran kecil, iris ukuran 3x3 cm
- 1 buah kentang ukuran kecil, iris ukuran 3x3 cm
- 1 buah terung ukuran kecil, iris ukuran 3x3 cm
- 50 gram daging sapi has dalam/lulur, iris tipis.
- 40 gram bumbu kare jepang
- ½sdm maizena larutkan dengan 1sdm air
Cara Memasak:
- Tuang air ke panci, masukkan dashi, soy sauce, gula pasir, didihkan.
- Masukkan sayuran berturut-turut wortel, kentang. terung, masak selama 3 menit, bersihkan buih yang muncul.
- Masukkan daging sapi, bumbu kare, aduk rata.
- Masukkan maizena, aduk, matikan api.
- Rebus Udon dengan air secukupnya, tiriskan, letakkan di mangkok saji, tuang kuah udon, taburi daun bawang.
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