Name : Near/N/Nate River
Birth Day :24 August 1991
Char descripstion :
he master detective known as L was wise enough to plan many things well in advance. In particular, he groomed a successor to his operation, in the event that he might somehow be put out of commission. His partner, the mysterious Watari, in actuality a philanthropist who kept many orphans in his care, prepared two young boys to one day succeed to the mantle of L.
Near is one of these boys, and even in his childhood he already seems to take on some of the habits of his predecessor. Like the original L, he dresses only in baggy shirts and pants, never seeming to wear shoes, and rarely sits without his feet on the chair under him. He also has nervous habits similar to L’s, often building ridiculously complicated sculptures – houses of cards, matchstick buildings, city skylines made entirely of dice – while he’s talking and thinking about something else entirely.
Believing that some sort of harm befell L as a consequence of his involvement with the Japanese police, Near becomes part of a different operation to capture the mysterious serial murderer “Kira.” Working in conjunction with the American authorities, the FBI and CIA, he attempts to uncover the killer’s identity and also discover the fate of the original L.
Unlike his fellow would-be L, Mello, Near is a quiet, nearly emotionless boy. He can approach a problem with cold, simple logic and piece the facts together methodically, employing a nearly superhuman aptitude for deduction. When he’s intent on a puzzle, he doesn’t talk too much, preferring to communicate through assistants that are also part of the American Kira-hunting operation.
Indonesia Ver :
Dekat adalah salah satu anak laki-laki, dan bahkan di anak tampaknya dia sudah mengambil beberapa kebiasaan orang pendahulunya. Seperti yang asli L, dia hanya dalam pakaian kaos longgar dan celana, pura-pura tidak pernah memakai sepatu, dan jarang dia duduk tanpa kaki di kursi di bawah dia. Dia juga memiliki kebiasaan yang mirip dengan gelisah L, bangunan sering ridiculously rumit patung - rumah dari kartu, matchstick bangunan, kota Skylines sepenuhnya dibuat dari dadu - saat ia berbicara dan berpikir tentang sesuatu yang lain secara keseluruhan.
Percaya bahwa beberapa jenis membahayakan befell L akibat keterlibatan orang Jepang dengan polisi, Dekat menjadi bagian dari operasi yang berbeda untuk menangkap pembunuh yang misterius serial "Kira." Bekerja bersama-sama dengan pihak berwenang Amerika, maka FBI dan CIA, dia mencoba untuk menemukan identitas sang pembunuh dan juga menemukan nasib yang asli L.
Tidak seperti itu akan menjadi sesama L, Mello, Near adalah tenang, hampir emotionless boy. Dia dapat pendekatan masalah dengan dingin, logika sederhana dan sepotong fakta bersama methodically, Mempekerjakan yang hampir bakat luar biasa untuk deduction. When he's a puzzle asyik, dia tidak berbicara terlalu banyak, memilih untuk berkomunikasi melalui asisten yang juga bagian dari American Kira-berburu operasi.
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